Monday, June 2, 2008

Our First Pet!!!!

At the beginnning of the spring season I noticed a bird that kept flying in and out a fern on my patio each time with a new beak full of twigs, fuzz and sticks. I knew she must be building a nest far off in some tree and I felt so honored and grateful that she was pruning the dead twigs off of my fern for me. Untill one day when I was out watering my plants when I realized that far off tree was a actually my very near fern. I was so exctied I had to take pictures! I anxiously watched and waited for the eggs to hatch. Lo and behold we were blessed with the arrival of four little baby birds! How fun is that! I was looking forward to these birds leaving the nest, so to speak, so that I could begin reviving my poor dehydrated fern that had suffered from my fear of accidentally watering the eggs. I went out to begin pruning and watering again and wait a minute......... some other bird decided to lay her eggs in the nest!!!!!!! Man I should start charging rent to pay for a new fern! Anyhoo, here are some pictures of the Embleton family wildlife reproduction contribution:) Enjoy!


Jeremy and Brigitte said...

OH how fun! I want my own yard! After these ones hatch and move out, maybe your could move the nest to a bird house.

Heather said...

How sweet! Hailey would be so happy for birds, right now we just have spiders and the annoying dog next door.

Jeremy and Brigitte said...

Miss you! If it weren't so freaking expensive to travel nowadays with the price of gas, I would say we should plan a get together....but alas we couldn't afford it. :(

Rebex said...

What cool pictures! I love you, sis!

Katie M. Brown said...

where are you guys living? it is good to see your cute family.

Jeremy and Brigitte said...

I found Jenifer's (Bryan's sister) Blog. hop on over and take a look!